350,000 links AND pages - created by a single pair of hands, thanks to the skills, talent, and perspiration of so many hungry people who did it better than I. Hotlink #332,416 to Masters and Millionaires  site Number 477

Welcome to the largest website on earth...
empowered by shortcuts of
masters, billionaires. champions millionaires.
1,000+ unique sites created by one pair of hands. 
Dedicated to YOUR better life.   Go ahead.    Feed a hungry kid today.

There are quite a few hotlinks on this page.     Click away!

One of the Prettest Pages on the Internet   Ah, you've found Masters Millionaires  Hotlink Number 7,777 - how's THAT for a round number?
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........                                                                         Call Me Shortcuts                                                                         ........

The Shapelinks Way To Win of masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires

These are the most effective shortcuts in the Shapelinks Way To Win of our champions billionaires masters and millionaires.
These are literally the fastest shortcuts to success that exist. They come from the mouths of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.
With the Shapelinks Way To Win, you are guaranteed to obtain and get accelerated results in any and every human endeavor when you use shortcuts. The only place we may differ is... WHICH shortcuts work best, and fastest. For those who believe that there are no shortcuts, those are people who know pretty much everything.    
It is wise to understand that the person who knows everything can be taught nothing.

When that rare person, 7 in every 100, applies herself with passion and commitment for many years learning to become a world-class master, she learns things that work, and things that don't.
How ironic it is that you need NOT be passionate and committed to double your yield, or result:
only that you precisely duplicate the words and actions of those doing it at world-class. THAT is the shortcut. They've already done the trial and error portion. Now, you get to reap the "fruit" part.
Use these shortcuts to succeeding at everything. Success is all about better faster stronger surer ways and methods. THAT'S how masters and millionaires succeed faster with shortcuts.

that produces accelerated results.

Keep our valiant, tragic heroes alive: more than five hundred and five thousand mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and innocent children -- evaporated or crushed in milliseconds.     Whether it happened a day or a century ago, 911day must be remembered.     PLEASE fulfill the unused portions of their lives, the thousands of groups of thousands of days unlived, by packing in more... more in your life. Get out of your rut. Use your best shortcuts and succeed with joy and achievement.
Welcome to the

  Remember 911day.     Keep our heroes alive by  LIVING,   DOING  more!   
  Talk less; DO more    Remember 911day.  

More Shortcuts and Shapetalk From The Shapelinks Way To Win

Shapetalk.info - The best information on earth, in Shapetalk, from the godfather of shortcuts, eyecandy, and shapetalk, MisterShortcut
Shapetalk.net - Great master secrets of the universe craftily eyecandied within the shapetalk network of the Shapelinks Way To Win
Shapetalker.info - Wrapping wisdom into lines of Shapetalk EyeCandy, the Shapelinks Way To Win Shapetalker makes wisdom fun

Shapetalk.com - First domain to introduce Shapetalk PowerGems - core wisdom of the Shapelinks Way To Win and Health-Oriented LifePath
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Shapetalking.net - If the Shapelinks Way To Win and Health-Oriented LifePath merit no shapetalking network, these great shortcuts work anyway.
Shapetalks.com - 1st Shapetalks wisdom collection. The best shortcuts from the best of all time, PowerGems of the Shapelinks Way To Win

Shapetalk and Shortcuts, mostly from the Shapelinks Way To Win, and to a lesser degree, the Health-Oriented LifePath,
are intended to achieve more than merely impressing you, pleasing you, engaging you to fill in all the colors of a page,
reaching instead to have you look inside the Shapetalk to find the shortcuts, what you will find to be your best shortcuts.
Each day that you wake up chosing to repeat yesterday, you tend to ensure the same results as you obtained yesterday.
When you want and are ready for better results, your repeated input makes all the difference you might have imagined.

Shapelinks.US - For all of us, Shapelinks can light up our personal employment of the Shapelinks Way To Win and Health-Oriented LifePath
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Shortcuts unto shortcuts from the mother ship of shortcuts,
for the health and wealth we might still deserve,
the wealth worth more than fine orchids.
Health, of course, is true wealth,
its theft so often done in stealth.
When you have one, you get the other,
and without it is worse than having no mother.

Shortcuts from other shortcuts, that's what we see,
both the Shapelinks Way To Win and Health-Oriented LifePath.
If Shapelinks EyeCandy appeals to you, and the look of Shapetalk,
imagine how much more appealing YOU become when you habitually use shortcuts.
In the same minutes that you now brush your hair, you can brush it twice as much,
and exercise potently, by simply picking up another brush and using both hands.
Your life is rich with shortcuts, you are actually surrounded by great shortcuts.
If you see that we do not always get what we want, you can see a flip side.
While we don's always get what we want, we often get what we expect.
Raising your expectations has a pronounced effect upon the universe.
No need to believe the Shapelinks Way To Win, or other sources,
relying upon yourself instead by using this PowerGem, again.
You have used it before, when critically, urgently moved.
The Shapelinks Way To Win urges the truth of urgency,
because your life is slipping past, 86,400 per day,
86,400 seconds, also known as opportunities.
The more you use, the more you may lose.
The more you invest, the more you get.
86,400 are slipping past, every day.
Try the Shapelinks Way To Win,
already deep within you now.

Just bring what you know.


Shapelinks Way To Win
Yields You Further Shortcuts

Use enough of your favorite shortcuts, enough times,
and those shortcuts will tend to yield further shortcuts.

This is a frequent treat of utilizing your Shapelinks Way To Win.
When two or more people do it together, popcorning abounds.

Stop pretending to know more than those who repeatedly do more.
Imitating those you admire most is among the fastest of approaches,
the most efficient and effective way to repeatedly imitate their results.
Let the shortcuts you have already used well ... ... guide you to create new shortcuts.
Even if this shortcut is not a full cornerstone of the Shapelinks Way To Win, it is a potent tool.
Life has long proven that the more we use our best tools, the wider becomes the reach of those tools.
Shapelinks and Shapetalk are interactive features of the Shapelinks Way To Win and Health-Oriented LifePath.
Repeated use of the wisdom in each Shapetalk moves you into YOUR Shapelinks Way To Win and Health-Oriented LifePath.
Who does best knows best. Most of those you admire are living out their own Shapelinks Way To Win and Health-Oriented LifePath.


Shapelinks Way To Win Closing Thoughts

Some of the prime facts of life have not changed in countless generations, and are unlikely to change any time soon.
When we think and comport ourselves in concomitance with the master secrets of the universe, we consistently win.
Among the greatest features of these master secrets of the universe is that they apply to, and work for, everyone.


Shapelinks Way To Win Closing Thoughts

Some of the prime facts of life have not changed in countless generations, and are unlikely to change any time soon.
When we think and comport ourselves in concomitance with the master secrets of the universe, we consistently win.
Among the greatest features of these master secrets of the universe is that they apply to, and work for, everyone.
No matter who you are, or what your station in life, you are either performing at your best, or below your best.

The Health-Oriented LifePath is meant to help to you help yourself heal yourself, naturally, and rather quickly.
The Health-Oriented LifePath is already alive inside of you, awaiting little more than your better dietary decisions.
The Shapelinks Way To Win also exists within you, the faster, better, more efficient way of getting where you're going.

The Shapelinks Way To Win is not the ultimate arbiter of precisely what constitutes success, simple based on it being subjective.

The Shapelinks Way To Win has not intention of dictating to you how to define what success means for you in YOUR experience.

The Shapelinks Way To Win can guide, suggest, and point out the obvious, at which point you take over the whole kit and kaboodle.

You are the only one who gets to decide what success is, whether it's success for you, or for other people.
A hundred times of a hundred times, your inner voice will always get the highest priority over others.
That makes it distinctly to your advantage when you intentionally raise the quality of your voice.
Whether addressing a stranger you wish to have serve you in some fashion or another (etc.),
or, aim your question at yourself with respect to defining success at a task, or in all of life,
the ultimate definition is redacted by you, based on your knowledge and experience.
If you can define what success is, then you can define those parts of it you lack.